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Storm Spouts Lifecycle

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public class TestWordSpout extends BaseRichSpout{

    public static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestWordSpout.class);
    SpoutOutputCollector _collector;

    public void open(Map conf, TopologyContext context,SpoutOutputCollector collector) {
        _collector = collector;

    public void nextTuple() {


    public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {




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package backtype.storm.topology.base;

import backtype.storm.topology.IRichSpout;

 * @author nathan
public abstract class BaseRichSpout extends BaseComponent implements IRichSpout {
    public void close() {

    public void activate() {

    public void deactivate() {

    public void ack(Object msgId) {

    public void fail(Object msgId) {

可以看到BaseRichSpout没有做任何事情就是实现了接口的方法,没有任何具体实现,这样子类不用显式实现方法了,它继承了BaseComponent,实现了接口IRichSpout,而IRichSpout接口是继承自ISpout, IComponent这两个接口,BaseComponent类如下:

package backtype.storm.topology.base;

import backtype.storm.topology.IComponent;
import java.util.Map;

public abstract class BaseComponent implements IComponent {
    public Map<String, Object> getComponentConfiguration() {
        return null;

下面来看下ISpout, IComponent这两个接口

package backtype.storm.topology;

import java.util.Map;

public interface IComponent extends Serializable {

    void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer);

    Map<String, Object> getComponentConfiguration();


package backtype.storm.spout;

import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext;
import java.util.Map;

public interface ISpout extends Serializable {

    void open(Map conf, TopologyContext context, SpoutOutputCollector collector);

    void close();

    void activate();

    void deactivate();

    void nextTuple();

    void ack(Object msgId);

    void fail(Object msgId);

上面把javadoc都去掉,如果要看的话直接看源码,或者到这里看: 到这里基本可以看到核心的接口方法主要在IComponent和ISpou这两个接口中定义,下面详细讲解。



     * 该方法是用来定义topology中的spout或者bolt的ID,而且该ID在同是spouts或者bolts内部不能重复,但是spouts和bolts之间的ID可以重复
     * 如果没有显示指定该值,则默认使用Utils.DEFAULT_STREAM_ID这个值
     * 这里可以参考Storm源码TopologyBuilder类里面的validateUnusedId这个方法
     * 该方法在客户端调用createTopology()方法时被执行,同样参见TopologyBuilder类
     * 源码:
    void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer);

     * 该方法可以用来配置组件
     * Declare configuration specific to this component. Only a subset of the "topology.*" configs can
     * be overridden. The component configuration can be further overridden when constructing the 
     * topology using {@link TopologyBuilder}
    Map<String, Object> getComponentConfiguration();


     * 该方法在task任务组件在worker里初始化的时候被调用,它提供了spout的执行环境
     * Called when a task for this component is initialized within a worker on the cluster.
     * It provides the spout with the environment in which the spout executes.
     * <p>This includes the:</p>
     * @param conf The Storm configuration for this spout. This is the configuration 
     * provided to the topology merged in with cluster configuration on this machine.
     * @param context This object can be used to get information about this task's place 
     * within the topology, including the task id and component id of this task, input 
     * and output information, etc.
     * @param collector The collector is used to emit tuples from this spout. 
     * Tuples can be emitted at any time, including the open and close methods. 
     * The collector is thread-safe and should be saved as an instance variable of this spout object.
    void open(Map conf, TopologyContext context, SpoutOutputCollector collector);

     * Spout停掉的时候会调用此方法
     * Called when an ISpout is going to be shutdown. There is no guarentee that close
     * will be called, because the supervisor kill -9's worker processes on the cluster.
     * <p>The one context where close is guaranteed to be called is a topology is
     * killed when running Storm in local mode.</p>
    void close();

     * spout由deactivated模式转为activated模式时被调用
     * Called when a spout has been activated out of a deactivated mode.
     * nextTuple will be called on this spout soon. A spout can become activated
     * after having been deactivated when the topology is manipulated using the 
     * `storm` client. 
    void activate();

     * spout被deactivated的时候调用,并且当spout被deactivated时,nextTuple就不会被调用了
     * Called when a spout has been deactivated. nextTuple will not be called while
     * a spout is deactivated. The spout may or may not be reactivated in the future.
    void deactivate();

     * spout发射Tuple时被调用,该方法必须是非阻塞的(non-blocking),这样如果Spout没有tuples可以发射了,
     * 这个方法也会返回,nextTuple, ack, and fail这几个方法在同一个spout task同一个线程里面是会被循环调用的,
     * 当没有tuples可以发射了,应该让线程sleep一段时间
     * 这样就不会占用太多的CPU资源了
     * When this method is called, Storm is requesting that the Spout emit tuples to the 
     * output collector. This method should be non-blocking, so if the Spout has no tuples
     * to emit, this method should return. nextTuple, ack, and fail are all called in a tight
     * loop in a single thread in the spout task. When there are no tuples to emit, it is courteous
     * to have nextTuple sleep for a short amount of time (like a single millisecond)
     * so as not to waste too much CPU.
    void nextTuple();

     * Storm可以保证spout发射出去的tuples必须被处理了,msgId就是就是发射的消息的ID
     * 当tuples被处理完了之后,该方法会被调用,并且将它从队列中去掉防止被反复处理
     * Storm has determined that the tuple emitted by this spout with the msgId identifier
     * has been fully processed. Typically, an implementation of this method will take that
     * message off the queue and prevent it from being replayed.
    void ack(Object msgId);

     * 如果msgId对应的tuples处理失败,该方法会被调用,通常的实现会将tuples重新放回队列,让它多一段时间可以被处理
     * 上面两个方法ack和fail是Storm保证数据一定被处理和避免重复处理的机制,
     * 参数msgId就是每次发射tuples的时候spout提供的一个
     * message-id,后面可以通过这个message-id来追踪这个tuple
     * The tuple emitted by this spout with the msgId identifier has failed to be
     * fully processed. Typically, an implementation of this method will put that
     * message back on the queue to be replayed at a later time.
    void fail(Object msgId);


  • 客户端提交Topology的时候,首先调用declareOutputFields(…)方法,指定spout和bolt的ID,如果没有实现该方法则默认为Utils.DEFAULT_STREAM_ID
  • 然后Storm会在worker进程内初始化task的运行环境,再调用open(…)方法,传回SpoutOutputCollector对象,后面我们后可以SpoutOutputCollector来发射tuples
  • 然后Storm就会反复调用spout的nextTuple方法获取下一个tuple,如果任务处理成功了就调用ack方法,如果任务处理失败就调用fail方法
  • 并且Spout发射tuple会提供一个message-id,后面我们通过这个message-id来追踪这个tuple,ack和fail接受的参数就是该message-id
  • 一个tuple可能会产生多个tuple,最终形成一个tuple树,Storm会跟踪整个tuple树,如果其中一个叶子tuple失败,那么整个tuple树会重新被处理
  • 值得注意的一点是,storm调用ack或者fail的task始终是产生这个tuple的那个task。所以如果一个spout被分成很多个task来执行, 消息执行的成功失败与否始终会通知最开始发出tuple的那个task
  • 每个你处理的tuple, 必须被ack或者fail。因为storm追踪每个tuple要占用内存。所以如果你不ack/fail每一个tuple, 那么最终你会看到OutOfMemory错误。

